Let's Talk!

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Tuesday, September 05, 2023

My family and I thank you, for your loving support, trust, and openness to explore these spiritual and holistic realms with me! We will keep you posted on where our adventure takes us next...!


As my spouse and I prepare for our next adventure(we don't yet know our destination, our top places on the list are Honolulu HI, Germany, North Canon OH, and many Texas locations!), I am winding down on my services available for the next few months. While life in the military can often be a hurry up and wait lifestyle, I need to begin preparing, downsizing, and selling our home.

It's with full heartfelt thanks that I thank A Creative ApothaCare's Kim & Tom Deneen and family, for being a home away from home, safe haven, and community house for all of the Salt Cave Meditations, and one on one sessions where I met many of you in person! Their support, trust, and love made so many things possible for me personally, and many of you. I hope that you will continue to see what wonderful classes, events, and offerings they have moving into the future.


What a pleasure it has been to get to know each of you, spend time guiding you in the Salt Cave for weekly hypnotherapy meditations exploring  transcendence,  reading for you at the psychic fairs, and working one on one with you to create personal life shifts! Thank you, for trusting me and honoring me to be a part of your spiritual  and holistic journey.

-This month is the last month that Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique sessions will be available at the ApothaCare, as these are in person explorations only. Sessions are available up to September 30th.

-Weekly Salt Cave Meditations have come to an end, and I feel so much gratitude for having been able to share these with you. Many of these sessions I have recorded, and will spend time editing and uploading to Etsy for you!

-Select virtual readings/sessions are available until we have our move date and location.

Thank you for being an amazing part of this journey and my life here in Ohio. While I am still traveling to conferences in October and November, I am be quieter over the next few months until we are settled. Know that each of you is in my heart, prayers, and joyful memories! You are welcome to reach me for a chat on social media or via email and Facebook groups anytime.

September Diffuser Blends!

Here's What I'm Smelling...

Last In Person Opportunity to Work with Me!

Discover the Power of QHHT - Limited Time Offer!

Unlock the secrets of your soul with our exclusive Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) Summer Sale!

Embrace past lives, connect with your higher self, and experience profound insights for spiritual growth.

Don't miss this transformative opportunity! Book your QHHT session now and save with our limited-time offer.

ALL In Person Sessions End September 30th- Reserve your spot today! (330)595-9149. These are in-person sessions only, available at A Creative ApothaCare 1319 Main St, Lakemore Ohio, 44250

Learn more here


#QHHT #SummerSale #SelfDiscovery #SpiritualGrowth #BookNow #LimitedTimeOffer #Transformation #InnerJourney #HigherSelf #PastLifeRegression #Empowerment

Salt Cave Meditations Are  Done, but the Fun & Healing Doesn't Have to End!

I've Revamping Items in the Etsy Shop!

Look at what's available for you to explore.

Canada Hypnosis Conference - October 13th-15th

I'm presenting!

What The Heck is Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Anyway? Oct 14th 1:45-2:45pm

Join Linda Thunberg, and Amanda Dodd, as they delve into the realm of Transpersonal Hypnotherapy and explores its potential for healing and transformation. In this insightful and interactive workshop, Linda and Amanda will guide participants through interactive exercises and group discussions, participants will have the opportunity to deepen their understanding of the transpersonal aspect of hypnotherapy. Learn how incorporating a client’s connection with the spiritual realm enhances the effectiveness and impact of their hypnotherapy sessions.

Calming a Nervous System Sunday Oct 15th @ 4:15-5:15pm

Create more open, calm clients by engaging the Vagal Nerve! I will teach you some simple techniques that you can begin using in your daily life immediately, as well as with clients for higher success in your sessions.

NATH 28th Annual Hypnosis Conference - November 10th-12th

I will be presenting!

The Power of Aligned Emotions -2 HR

We see it daily, loved ones, friends, and especially clients misaligned and avoiding their emotions. We know how that story plays out, as well as the damage it can create, but do we know how to be more proactive with our emotions? 

When we befriend emotions we gain the opportunity to make powerfully aligned actions in our lives, it's an immense gift!

I will teach you my signature method for proactively processing emotions!

You'll discover a powerful new technique to use with your clients and learn how to empower your sessions by working with emotions in a deep way. Don't miss this opportunity to take your practice to the next level!

Ancestral Healing - Inherited or Misaligned - 2HR

Ever hear your clients or even yourself say "All the women in my family .... or all the men in the family ..." as though it's a justified explanation for lower quality of life?

Help individuals gain a deeper understanding of their past and create positive change for themselves and future generations.

We will explore epigenetics theory and how our ancestor's experiences may have impacted us on a genetic level.

Benefit from deep hypnotic meditation to explore and resolve ancestral inherited emotions, patterns, communication + relation dynamics, and traumas passed down through DNA expression.

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Hi, I Am Amanda M Dodd

CEO Of Healing Beyond Trauma
Transpersonal Clinical Hypnotherapy & Coaching

Here's where I can let you into my world a bit more, some of my musings, inspirations, discoveries, events, and what I'm up to!

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Let's Talk About You!

Now that you are getting to know me better, I would love to hear about you, what you think about what I've shared and explored from my heart!

Connect with me via email or socials, I can't wait to hear about how you feel and your perspective on some of these thoughts.