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Clinical Hypnosis

Resolve and remove energetic remnants from previous lives, some impressions can cause us life time challenges like fears, phobias, unexplained incongruency between our goals and success. Release old karma, oaths, bonds, curses and guilt that could be disrupting your current incarnation.

-Rise Up & Attain Your Goals
-General Hypnosis, Quit Smoking/Vaping/Chewing, Loose Weight, Improve Sleep etc.
-Heal Beyond Trauma, Release Emotional Flashbacks and Bring Ease to the Nervous System
-Process Deep Seated Emotions (Anger, Fear, Guilt, Sorrow, Resentment etc.)
-Dream Analysis, Resolve Reoccurring Dreams, Nightmares, Night Terrors
-Advanced Hypnosis, Resolve Fears & Phobias
-Resolve Self Sabotage, Wounded Inner Child Patterns, and Create Wholeness
-Regression, End Self Sabotage and Change Long Held Sub Conscious Beliefs

Transpersonal Hypnosis

Explore your spiritual beliefs, concepts, and gain resources for managing life. Greater connection with your higher self, and seeing your life through your soul's perspective have many benefits that can uplift and empower your life!

-Explore NDE's and Unexplained Mystical Experiences for Greater Understanding
-Connect with Guides, Beings of Light, Angels, Ascended Masters and Deities
-Create a Spiritual Practice for Connecting with Loved Ones in Spirit
-Enter Niche Spiritual Practices Consistently such as: Akashic Records, Shamanic Journey, Soul Retrieval, Astral Travel etc.
-Spirit Releasement, Resolving Energetic Cause and Effect of Magic/Spells/Other Experiences
-Understand and Explore ET's
-Develop Your Mediumship and Psychic Abilities
-Develop Personally and Spiritually, Explore Deep Spiritual Concepts with Ease

Past Life Regression

Resolve and remove energetic remnants from previous lives, some impressions can cause us life time challenges like fears, phobias, unexplained incongruency between our goals and success. Release old karma, oaths, bonds, curses and guilt that could be disrupting your current incarnation.

- Embrace Your Transcendence 
-Free Yourself from Unexplained Patterns, Behaviors, Emotions and Blocks
-Enhance Your Skills, Talents, Natural Traits & Characteristics with Past Life Ties
- Understand Strong Attraction and Dislikes At The Root
- Couples Past Life Regression {Can Be Between Partners but also Between Friends, and Family Members} Gain Understanding of Relating Dynamics Without This Life Explanations
- Private Group Past Life Regressions

QHHT- Quantum Healing Hypnosis
The Dolores Cannon Signature Style of Past Life Regression

Supportive and Soul Centered Modalities

- Connect with your Higher Self
- Explore Past Lives; Parallel, Future Lives with Important Insights
- Gain Understanding of Life Experiences From the Soul's Perspective
- Release Current Blocks, Patterns, and Challenges
- Process this Lifetime Wounds and Energy Fragmentation
- Explore Non-Human Lifetimes
- Spiritual Development & Increase Intuition

Learn more here

Life Between Lives

Exploring the Realm of Pre-Birth Planning

If we chose certain elements within this life to be fated, why did we choose them? Are you curious about why you selected the parents, body, and lessons that you did? These sessions are deep, exploratory and help you understand the true nature of your being with expanded perception. 


- The Souls Perspective on Growth & Lessons
-Understanding Your Soul's Life Purpose
- Clarity on Soul Contracts 
- Bring Healing to Difficult Relating Dynamics
- Deeper Levels of Acceptance & Inner Peace
- Remembering Your Soul Group & Agreements
- Access The Soul Council & Spirit Guides
- Review Body Choices, Review Lives, and Interactive Karma
- Catharsis from Deeper Seated Wounds
- Expanded Knowing of your Eternal Consciousness

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Archangel Chakra Clearing & Energy Revitalization Meditation

Give Me Your Best Email Address to Get the Archangel Chakra Clearing & Energy Revitalization Meditation.This meditation has stood the test of time, you will absolutely love it!! 

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Hypnotherapeutic Meditation

Forgiveness & Self Acceptance

Are you having a hard time creating more of what you want? Perhaps things go slowly, or don't seem to shift hardly at all?

This hypnotherapeutic meditation is for deep catharsis and release.

Blessings require space to arrive, we begin by clearing out the old, stale, and stagnant energies before inviting in the new!

In this Meditation, you will:

  • Experience Deep Relaxation, taking deep breaths, feel catharsis which brings a sense of ease.
  • Release Stagnant and Stale Energy, learn a method of clearing your energy at your convivence.
  • ​Create Space for Manifesting, discover new feelings of openness, acceptance, and self-compassion
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Hypnotherapeutic Meditation

Opening Your Clair Abilities & Mediumship Channel

This hypnotic meditation will help listeners to open to their natural psychic and intuitive abilities, to be able to fine-tune their mediumship senses with the support of their Guides and Angels. It's gentle, uplifting, and potent!

This can be used by individuals seeking to access, grow, strengthen, and empower their Clair abilities and mediumship. Can be used before readings, development groups, and practice. There is a very short induction using awareness with the breath, you are welcome to add your favorite relaxation techniques in front of it for a longer experience and session or use it as it is for a shorter more focused session.

If you are a spiritual seeker who simply wants to clear, heal, and develop their mediumship abilities you will gain so much from this hypnotherapy meditation. A wonderful idea is to play it from your phone or desktop with headphones on before practice and working with mediumship and clairvoyant skills. There are hypnotic suggestions to help you release, remove, and clear your chakras and energy, as well as ground and center. This is a powerful hypnotic mp3 to open your Mediumship abilities or strengthen your abilities!

If you are a Medium who hosts classes or circles, you are welcome to use this mp3 for your students as well as it's very potent! I kindly ask that you do reference your students to my shop to obtain their own copy.

Inside this Meditation, you will discover:

  • ​Active Natural Psychic Abilities, Feel supported by your Angels & Guides
  • Heighten Intuition, Fine tune your senses, be more naturally centered and grounded.
  • ​Develop Your Mediumship Channel, I help you set your vibration, and open the door.
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Hypnotherapy Induction Script

Chakra Energy Induction

Help clients or practice self-hypnosis with this induction script to practice visualization and open up Clair abilities, and induce hypnosis, gently, and effectively.

Feel clear, and centered, and learn to make energetic adjustments as desired.

Contains suggestions for relaxation, deep breathing, and releasing tension.

Inside, we'll show you:

  • ​Read To Use, script is 704 words long, pages at 11 font size, comes as a word document, and pdf formats.
  • Gentle and Relaxing, slowly and easily help clients or yourself shift into a deeper state of consciousness.
  • ​Learn About The Chakras, so you can...<what it means for them>