Healing Beyond Trauma Blog/Akashic Records/Akashic Records: How to Ask the Right Questions

Saturday, October 05, 2024

Akashic Records: How to Ask the Right Questions

Asking the right questions significantly enhances an Akashic Record seeker's experience by guiding them toward more meaningful and transformative insights. Lets talk about how quality questions make for quality guidance!

Akashic Records: How to Ask the Right Questions

As the records are infinite, living, and ever-evolving, approaching them with the right mindset and energy can lead to higher vibrational and empowering answers. In this guide, I’ll share how to formulate powerful questions when exploring your own records, being guided through as session, or receiving a reading.

Exploring the Akashic Records offers an expansive opportunity to gain wisdom, clarity, and healing. But how we frame our questions within the records can deeply affect the type of guidance we receive. The Akashic Records are infinite, living, and always evolving, so approaching them with the right mindset and energy can lead to higher vibrational and empowering answers. Here’s a guide on how to formulate powerful questions that inspire insight and transformation when exploring your records or receiving a reading.

When I asked the records what they wanted me to teach you, because you can you can go into the records and say, "show me how to do this" or "What would you like me to bring through?". They'd asked me to impress upon you that it is infinite. It is eternal. It is living. It is the living record. So it can be different from time to time when you go in because it's ever changing. And doesn't just hold the probabilities of what we will do. It holds the potentials of what we will do, or how we might have done something in a different light as well. Which is a lot for our human minds to comprehend and think of, and you don't have to get it right now. But as you explore and you get to know these astral planes, you'll become comfortable and you'll start to have it land in different ways.

All emotions, thoughts, deeds, intentions, past present probable future exist within the Akashic records. Which means if you're thinking, "Should I go out on a date with that guy?" or "Will I have a good time?" You could actually go into the records and say, "Okay, if we choose to go out on a date, Thursday night, I'm going to go with this person", what is likely to happen and you can be taken through a whole probability of how that could go.

And you can change it with subtle variations of if I choose to go and I have this energy about me. "If I choose to be open, receptive and loving, how can it go?" vs "If I choose to go, and I'm feeling a little closed off? How could it go?" Right you can see the possible potentials. So as you're looking for perspective, it's a great way to check in and say, how good is this for me? Do I actually want this?

Your guides can have a sense of humor. Occasionally, they can have a bit of sarcasm, if that's something within you, you might get a snarky response. If you tend to be a bit of a snarky person. So the way that we ask our questions is immensely important. You don't want to go up there and say, Is this the one because you might get a snarky response saying, "Sure, you're gonna learn a lot!". That doesn't mean you're going to learn it in the light in the most loving way possible. He might actually show you that you don't value yourself and that you allow yourself to be treated poorly. Did you learn a lot? Was that the way you wanted to learn it? So the way we ask our questions, immensely important, but it's definitely a neat way of having experience and seeing the probabilities. If we're entering into a new relationship. We can go and say, Is this a good relationship? Am I coming at it from the right place to have a good energy match? And you might say, Well, no, you're coming in it from a codependent type place. It's not a great place to come from. come from a different angle. See how that plays out? Or this isn't the best match for you. Shift your energy first. Take these steps first. It does take some trust. And so you want to start with smaller, clear, easier things so that you build that trust in that understanding it's building a relationship with a different part of yourself essentially.

Here are some key points to keep in mind as you formulate your questions.

1. Ask Open-Ended Questions
Open-ended questions invite possibility and flow. The records reflect the limitless nature of potential, offering different outcomes based on the energy and intention you bring into the query. Instead of asking yes/no questions, which may give limited answers, open-ended questions expand the scope of the guidance you’ll receive.

Disempowered: “Is this person my soulmate?”
Empowered: “What can I learn from this relationship? How can I bring my best energy into it?”

2. Intention + Energy
Your intention when entering the records greatly influences the insights you'll receive. Set a clear intention for guidance, healing, or expansion, and allow your energy to remain open and curious. Remember that every action and question you bring to the records is connected to your energy at that moment.

Example: “If I approach this situation with openness and love, how might the outcome shift?”

3. Timelessness
The Akashic Records transcend time. They hold all past, present, and future possibilities. Therefore, your questions should reflect this timeless nature, asking about potentials and possibilities instead of fixed answers. When we are asking beings that don't have a concept of time when something may begin to align for us their answers will vary greatly, for an energy that is eternal "soon" may not be very soon for us at all, in fact this could be years!

Example: “What do I need to understand about the lessons I am learning in this lifetime, and how do they connect with past life experiences?”

4. Free Will
The records honor your free will. You’ll never be given a definitive answer that strips you of choice. Instead of seeking "right" or "wrong" answers, consider how different paths align with your soul's growth and free will. This approach helps you make empowered decisions rather than relying solely on fate. Somethings are fated, however destiny relies on us actively choosing and moving towards things in life!

Example: “What is the potential outcome of this decision if I align my actions with my highest self?”

5. Curiosity & Wonder
The energy of curiosity can open doors to deeper understanding. Ask your questions from a place of wonder rather than fear or control. The records respond best when you seek growth, understanding, and possibility.

Example: “How can I best nurture my spiritual gifts to serve my highest good and others?”

6. Empowered vs. Disempowered Questions
Disempowered questions often come from a place of fear, attachment, or wanting validation. Empowered questions, on the other hand, come from curiosity, growth, and a desire for deeper understanding. They open the door to inspiration and personal responsibility.

Disempowered: “Why does this always happen to me?”
Empowered: “What patterns am I repeating, and how can I shift my energy to create a new experience?”

7. Utilize ‘How,’ ‘What,’ ‘Why,’ ‘Where,’ and ‘Who’
These words naturally frame questions that explore possibilities rather than close off conversation. They also encourage accountability and self-reflection.

How: “How can I best support myself in this phase of growth?”
What: “What am I not seeing about this situation that could help me expand?”
Why: “Why am I attracted to certain experiences or people, and how can I use this awareness for growth?”

8. Accountability
The Akashic Records encourage personal accountability. Rather than asking the records to tell you what to do, use your questions to understand the root cause of your actions, emotions, and energy. This allows you to make conscious, empowered decisions that align with your soul's growth.

Example: “What role am I playing in creating this experience, and how can I shift to create a better outcome?”
Sample Question Frameworks:
“What is the lesson my soul is learning from this current challenge?”
“How can I best align my energy with my soul’s purpose at this time?”
“Why am I drawn to this particular person/experience, and what is the deeper meaning behind this connection?”
“How might shifting my perspective on this situation create new opportunities for growth?”

When entering the Akashic Records, remember that the wisdom you receive is based on the energy and questions you bring forward. By asking open, intentional, and empowered questions, you can access deeper layers of insight, healing, and transformation. This is an evolving relationship with your higher self and your soul’s journey—one that empowers you to create your highest reality.

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